Prices for unframed images begin at:

15x21 images are $200 plus taxes and shipping
 12x17 images are $150 plus taxes and shipping
 10x16 images (and smaller) are $100 plus taxes and shipping

Pricing for images that have been exhibited are higher, please contact for info

Use contact form for correspondence. Venmo is preferred methods of payment; but you can always send a paper check to:

Rustam Tahir
405 Westminster Rd.
Rochester, NY 14607

Choose your favorite 20 images and I will create a book for you to enjoy. Books can be purchased in sizes 8 1/2 x 11 ($65.00 plus tax and shipping) and 10 x 13 ($80.00 plus tax and shipping). Send all information to I will send an invoice, payable by check, Venmo or PayPal, and I will order the book from Mimeo that will be sent directly to your home.

Choose your favorite 13 images (or receive my yearly calendar) for $35.00 plus tax and shipping.  Send info to Calendar will be directly shipped from Mimeo.

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